Where Have I Been?


The last half of 2017 was quite the whirlwind. I am proud to say that I have accomplished all of the goals I set for myself last year. I went out of my comfort zone and pushed myself to do new things, even things that scared me. I moved to a different state back in September and started a new job. This was my first real attempt at “adulting”. (I’m not too fond of that term). What I am trying to say is that 2017 was a pivotal year in my life.

In December my grandmother passed away and it hit my like a ton of bricks. In my grief, I realized that my grandma led a pretty amazing life. More specifically, she lived her passion. She did what she loved. She did the things that so many of us wish we could do. My grandma was a music teacher for over 30 years. Everyday she was able to do the work she loved to do and nothing stopped her.

I was so inspired by this realization that it kickstarted my goals for 2018 and the future. I have the power to choose how I want my life to go I just need to do it. I just need to start. It dawned on me that I was living with a lot of uncertainties, which is normal for a 23 year-old but I was just floating. Floating from one thing to the next without any real plan or purpose. I was neglecting to do what I love. I was only focused on what I thought was practical. I wasn’t actually trying to reach my goals.

Now, I’m not going to quit my day job because that’s not how life works but, I want to incorporate the things I love in my everyday life. I’ll spare you all from the specifics of my goals but, I am going to be more active when it comes to blogging. It brings me a lot of joy and opportunities that I wouldn’t otherwise have. I’m feeling very motivated to be more active in my local vegan community as well. I have wanted to that for a long time and now seems like the perfect opportunity.

So, in short, if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to, this is it. I’ve been thinking and planning and now it’s my time to start doing.

Let me know if you have any suggestions on incorporating the things you love into your schedule. Are there any tips and tricks to making time for doing what you are passionate about? Let me know in the comments! Thanks as always 🙂

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